Andi, honey, my heart goes out to you.
What happened on 9/11 was a horror that will resonate through the world for a very long time. Of course you as a sensitive and decent soul are affected by it; I would question the humanity of anyone unaffected or gleeful in the face of such iniquity.
Horror and fear and tragedy and pain are old acquaintances of mine; hell, I've lived cheek& Jowl with some of 'em for long stretches of my life. You never get used to them but you can arm yourself against lasting ill effects from them by counting your blessings and NOT hoarding them...blessings only grow if you broadcast them and share them wildly. (Not saying you gotta lie down and TAKE the rotten, oh HELL NO but you do have to acknowledge that sometimes they are bigger and stronger than you and when you can't change them, at least you can mitigate their effect on you by blowing bubbles of happiness for yourself and others.)
Tiny blessings count as much as great big horrors, so count every one!
Here's some of mine:
I have a darling wonderful husband who loves me madly and sticks with me through chronic illness. He takes care of me when I am too crippled to manage the stairs and takes care of the household when I am unable to function.
I have an incredible little son who is growing up free of fear and guilt. He's one of those treasuretroves of kid wisdom, a source of happy tears only, my unalloyed joy in life.
I have a grown alcoholic son who is clean and sober for the first time in his adult life, and am about to become stepgranny to his fiance's brood.
Although we are poor as the mice that infest our cellar, we have more love and laughter in a day than many American families have in a year.
It's a gorgeous cold sunny day and the birds outside my window sing with mad rampant joy at the world around them. Who am I to complain about my hardships when these little creatures find such satisfaction in their simple pleasures?
So what if my alleged Green Cross dealer ripped off the money all us sick people gave him for herb? So what if I have to go back on the morphine next week? So what if my middle son won't get a job or my MIL is trying to manipulate our lives? These are small petty things.
Even in the face of genuine tragedy, life burgeons. There is wonder and terror every day. It's our choice which we store in our hearts.
We can't always stop the horrors, but we can gird ourselves against them. That's what you're doing right now...and bless you for it dollface!
collecting every smidge of happiness ammunition available